【必須1】 . エントリー期間 6月1日~8月1日23:59

Yusuke Shimizu
清 水 勇 佑
Architectural critic / Architectural designer
1998 Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan
1998 日本の東京で生まれ育つ
2017 Nihon University College of Science and Engineering Department of Architecture Admission
2019 日本大学 理工学部 建築学科 入学
2020 Established KENKOMI
2020 KENKOMI を設立し評論活動を始める
2021 WASA World Architecture Student Award Head of Jury
2021 WASA世界建築学生賞 審査員長 就任
2021 Graduated from the Department of Architecture, College of Science and Engineering, Nihon University
2021 日本大学 理工学部 建築学科 卒業
2023 Nihon University Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of Architecture Completed
2023 日本大学大学院 理工学研究科 建築学専攻 修了
2023 Joined KKAA Kengo Kuma & Associates
2023 KKAA 隈研吾建築都市設計事務所 入社
A challenge to the perfect designer
In the world's architectural design industry, there are many competitions and proposals that decide the best and the best, and you may have thought about the world's number one architect.
However, with the emergence of diverse construction companies, architects, designers, and students, the information society has created a chaos in which many values and designs are shared.
Evaluating and designing is becoming more difficult as diverse requirements coexist.
In the era of information society Society 4.0, I follow them and position them as one concept of "META Design" and aim to be a perfect designer.
私は、情報社会Society 4.0の時代においてそれらを踏襲し「 META Design 」という1つの概念として位置付け完璧な設計者を目指す。
A clear-cut architect and architectural critic who makes full use of diverse elements in the chaotic modern world by collecting, analyzing, organizing, integrating, and sharing elements of diverse values (evaluation) and architectural ideas (design). Aim for home.
Defining 'Perfect Architectural Design'
We believe that the "perfect architectural design" as of the 2020s is to use the variety of architectural design ideas that exist around the world, to respond simultaneously and individually to the diverse values of not only the clients and users, but also the jurors and faculty involved, and to provide new knowledge and influence.
However, we have come to a time when these abilities, which were impossible due to our limited memory and individuality, can be achieved by expanding our memory space with beta base and supplementing our complex thought process with programming.
We have developed the "AI Genius Architect" (AIGA), a system that references the growth process of artificial intelligence, as an extension that assists our design and critique activities.
私たちの設計活動や評論亜活動をアシストする拡張機能として「AI Genius Architect」(“GAAS”)人工知能の成長過程を参照したシステムを開発し“GAAS”も設計者の手によりともに成長していくことで「完璧な建築デザイン」のプロセスを実現する。
Aspire to be the perfect architect
Extensive design experience
I learned about the ideas and values of many people through various activities such as organizational management, part-time jobs, clubs, design activities, and critique activities. I have enjoyed discovering new ways to reconcile and confront values through the field of architecture, and this has been an explosive driving force for me. In this context, I thought that the best solution would be to form many organizations and global communication platforms from the community of architecture students, and to absorb and use all the diverse know-how and values through our activities.
When I was a student, I collected presentation sheets of architectural designs and thought about what kind of ideas and how designers came up with them. Since his first year as an undergraduate, he has been good at spotting contradictions and ideas that are lacking or lacking, and he discussed proposals and expressions with many of his seniors and juniors. He called the community he created SA-Group and continued his activities. In his second year as an undergraduate, he established a university-sanctioned architecture club and formed a community of around 200 members. From his third year as an undergraduate student, he developed the value of treating all works equally from a variety of perspectives. He incorporated the growth theory of AI and formed the evaluation theory "GAAS" based on a database, and began judging activities by becoming the head judge for the NASA National Architecture Student Award. In his fourth year of undergraduate studies, he produced a graduation design work using design theory that contrasted the objective evaluation of "GAAS" with the designer's subjectivity. He used a database to calculate proposals to win the competition. In graduate school, he developed the ``Multi-Story System,'' a design proposal method that allows multiple stories to be selected for a single work to suit each critic's personality.
Operates 5 organizations
■ Nihon University Architectural Design Circle Established
建築デザインサーク 設立
■ Established SA Group Shimizu Design Group Established
SAGroup日本大学清水意匠設計グループ 設立
■ KENKOMI.JAPAN Global Architecture Student Organization Established
KENKOMI.JAPAN 国際建築学生団体 設立
■ NASA National Architectural Student Award Executive Committee Established
NASA 全国建築学生賞実行委員会 設立
■ WASA World Architectural Student Award Executive Committee Established
WASA 世界建築学生賞実行委員会 設立
■ Toshin High School Human Resources Section Representative Worked for 1 year
東進ハイスクール 人財課代表 教務課 試験校舎長 1年間 勤務
■ Kanto Architectural Training Camp Management Executive
関東建築合宿 運営幹部
■ Kansai architecture training camp management executive
関西建築合宿 運営幹部
■ Nationwide Architectural Laboratory Management Executive
全国建築系研究室 運営幹部
Management of 6 organizations
■ Nihon University Faculty of Science and Technology School Festival Executive Committee Production Department Design and Construction Management
日本大学理工学部学園祭実行委員 製作局 設計施工管理担当
■ Architect Talk In Joetsu 2019/2020/2021
■ JIA Japan Architects Association student group joint
JIA日本建築家協会 学生団体ジョイント
■ JIA Japan Architects Association Tokyo Graduation Design Exhibition Executive Committee
JIA日本建築家協会 東京都卒業設計展実行委員会
■ Architectural Enthusiast Festival Executive Committee Management of the competition
建築学縁祭実行委員会 コンペティション運営
■ Nationwide Joint Graduation Design Exhibition Executive Committee Competition Management
全国合同卒業設計展実行委員会 コンペティション運営
Defining a “perfect evaluation theory” for architectural design
Doubts and Criticism about Architectural Design and Criticism
There are a variety of opinions and ways of thinking about individual architectural designs, and it is unclear what and how much importance should be placed on them. Perfection varies from person to person and cannot be determined unambiguously. In other words, by collecting values from around the world, breaking them down as much as possible, and arranging them by type, it is possible to follow all values. In addition, by treating everything equally in the same dimension and taking statistics, it is paradoxically possible to reproduce what and how much emphasis is placed on the world average, region, and university. Furthermore, by breaking this down to the individual level of each architect or designer, it becomes clear what kind of values that person places importance on at a global level. In this way, an evaluation platform that can reproduce the values that each individual considers to be "perfect" may become a "perfect evaluation."
Doubts and Criticism about Architectural Design and Criticism
現代の評価に対する疑問 と GAASを用いた評論活動
All subjective evaluations and designs are correct. The order in which a design is presented, the order of thinking, and the content of proposals are part of individuality. However, the compatibility between the designer and the person evaluating the design is always relevant. One way of being an architect is to accept all of the judges' evaluations, but how one feels about it becomes a strong individuality. In order to judge the various design proposal patterns by oneself, one's own judgment process and unique thinking ability are extremely important, and this is the greatest role of an architect.
On the other hand, it is impossible to determine ``first place'' or ``best'' in architectural design competition proposals, competitions, and reviews and evaluations in architectural education. My alma mater, the university, had a particularly strong culture of giving evaluations, such as SABC ratings, 1st place within the school, and 1st place among universities. No matter how many talented architects you gather together and have a subjective debate, you will still learn through discussion, but it feels strange to rank or give points, and it is difficult to believe that objective and fair examinations and evaluations are being carried out. I can't say for sure. Therefore, we will define and obtain objective indicators by collecting and analyzing design and evaluation data from around the world, within Japan, by region, and by field. In today's world where a variety of design proposals, values, and ways of thinking are born, a platform that follows multidimensional perspectives from multiple perspectives is extremely important.
一方で、建築設計競技のプロポーザルやコンペ、建築教育にける講評や評価おいて "1位" や "最優秀" を決定することは不可能である。私の母校である大学は特にSABCの評価や学内1位、大学1位など評価をつける文化が強かった。どれだけ優秀な建築家を複数人集めて主観的な論争をしても議論による学びはあるが順位をつけたり点数をつける行為は違和感があり、客観で公平な審査や評価が行われているとは断言できない。そこで、世界や国内、地域や分野別に設計や評価データを収集し分析することで客観的な指標を定義し、客観的な指標を獲得する。様々な設計提案や価値観や考え方が生まれてくる現代において、多角的な視点を多次元的踏襲するプラットフォームは非常に重要なのではないか。
In my fourth year at university, I established an objective evaluation theory based on a database, collected design works and evaluation comments from all over the world, and built the "GAAS" Genius architect assist system. After graduating from undergrad, I planned to study ``GAAS'', a database-based evaluation theory that incorporates AI growth theory, in my master's program. However, after searching all over the world for a laboratory that could handle the problem, they were unable to find one, so they proceeded with their own research. We spent a huge amount of time and money collecting 50,000 works and their evaluation comments, breaking them down into pieces, categorizing them, and then reconstructing them to derive objective indicators from statistics. “GAAS” served as the head of the jury for the WASA World Architecture Student Award. Currently, in addition to judging competitions in Japan, he holds lectures to provide new perspectives to designers and students.
私は大学4年生でデータベースに基づいた客観的な評価論を確立し世界中から設計作品と評価コメントを収集し“GAAS”Genius architect assist systemを構築した。学部卒業後、博士前期課程でAIの成長理論を取り入れデータベースに基づいた評価論“GAAS”を研究する予定だった。しかし、対応できる研究室が世界中探したがなかったため独自で研究を進めた。莫大な時間と費用を費やし5万作品と評価コメントを収集しバラバラに分解し、カテゴライズを行った後、再構成し客観的な指標を統計学から導いた。“GAAS”はWASA世界建築学生賞の審査に用いて審査員長を務めた。現在は日本国内のコンペの審査活動に加え講演会を開き設計者や学生をたじめ新たな視点を与えている。
Judging activities
Since 2020, I have been participating in design competitions, idea competitions, and graduation design exhibitions for architecture students, including the head of the jury for the WASA World Architecture Student Awards. From AIGA's global and objective point of view, we try to stimulate discussion by combining various universities, regions, and architectural fields. If you call us, we will visit you all over the world.
Achievements 実績
2020 ~ NASA Japan Architecture Student Award - Chief Judge
2021 ~ WASA World Architecture Student Award - Chief Jury
2022 ~ WASA World Architecture Student Award - Chief Jury
2023 ~ NFT Competition - Chief Jury
2023 ~ WASA World Architecture Student Award - Chief Jury
Presenting “perfect architectural design” using “perfect evaluation theory”
Doubts and Criticism about Architectural Design and Criticism
There are a variety of opinions and ways of thinking about individual architectural designs, and it is unclear what and how much importance should be placed on them. Perfection varies from person to person and cannot be determined unambiguously. In other words, by collecting values from around the world, breaking them down as much as possible, and arranging them by type, it is possible to follow all values. In addition, by treating everything equally in the same dimension and taking statistics, it is paradoxically possible to reproduce what and how much emphasis is placed on the world average, region, and university. Furthermore, by breaking this down to the individual level of each architect or designer, it becomes clear what kind of values that person places importance on at a global level. In this way, an evaluation platform that can reproduce the values that each individual considers to be "perfect" may become a "perfect evaluation."
To achieve this, we can follow all the huge design patterns by collecting the design elements, properties, and ideas that make up architectural design, breaking them down as much as possible, and organizing them by type. In contrast, it is possible to create a "perfect architectural design" by using a "perfect evaluation theory" that takes into account the values of diverse opinions and ways of thinking, and by combining design elements in accordance with individual thoughts and values. Is there one? Design cannot be done because it is not possible to choose between design elements based on objective evaluation alone. In other words, in order to achieve the "perfect architectural design," both subjective and objective evaluations are necessary. In other words, whether you are a client or a designer, if you have GAAS, you will be able to envision the perfect architectural design, although you will need the know-how to realize the design. In other words, clients can make full use of design ideas and values from around the world, and create original designs without the designer's schemes. Designers can deepen their design ideas by gaining an objective perspective.
Verification of perfect architectural design from critique using GAAS
現代の設計に対する疑問 と GAASを用いた設計活動
I am interested in and can empathize with any work. On the other hand, there are also designs that I would like to create. When designing with architects, superiors, and clients, designers may sometimes have to make unreasonable changes to the design that they did not intend. At that time, we have to cooperate, compromise, and lose. I thought that it might be possible to alleviate this problem by using "GAAS," which responds to individual values and provides objective indicators. The design process using ``GAAS'' can be applied to various patterns such as cooperation between designers, cooperation between designers and owners, and cooperation between owners and citizens.
For my graduation design for my 4th year of university, I used ``GAAS'' and ``AIGA,'' a famous place at the time, and assumed that multiple judges were clients, and proposed a single work that would respond to multiple values at the same time. This involved analyzing the values of each judge from past review data, calculating interesting ideas, expressions, and thought processes, and creating presentation sheets for the number of judges based on their values. This is called the "MSS Multi-Story System." In graduate school, I thought about creating a web-based output that was compatible with MSS so that I could efficiently and simultaneously give multiple presentations.After that, I will discuss how to implement it in society based on my practical experience at an architect's office.
List of design works using “GAAS”
Incorporate the designer's subjective opinion while responding to the values of the evaluator.
"GAAS" quantitatively calculates the values of the evaluator and provides designers with an objective perspective. It supplements designers' memory by showing design elements such as huge ideas and design thinking.
“Yusuke Shimizu” portfolio list
”Yusuke Shimizu”のポートフォリオ一覧
We create portfolios tailored to the interests of each company, business category, and executive officer.
Verification of perfect architectural design from critique using GAAS
Extensive design experience
In the midst of chaos in architectural design, it becomes possible to present optimal plans by collecting, organizing, and utilizing a huge amount of architectural design elements as needed. DAGO aims to develop in the field of architectural design by developing and providing software as an extension of architectural designers, architects, and architectural students. By logically presenting the usefulness of the design presented by the designer to the client using statistical data, we will expand the attractiveness of architectural design in a productive and inorganic society and spread the word throughout the world. The goal is to improve the GDP of
problem awareness
Since the modern industrial revolution, the way of architectural design has changed rapidly. The phrase is old. We should discuss how architecture should develop from 2020 when the 4th industrial revolution occurred. With the spread of SNS and the Internet, changes in social interests, changes in lifestyles, and with the advance of AI and IOT, can we develop architectural design by coexisting with the architectural field? . It may be an opportunity to respond to issues that have not been resolved so far.